
Showing posts from April, 2010

Getting better all the time.

Well things just keep getting better all the time, my average has improved at work which my District Manager likes because the she can promote me out to my own studio. That would be great news because Joey could really focus on his school. Alexander had a really exhausting day, first when the storm rolled through he got really scared and ran to Joey for comfort. He was so scared that he was shaking. Poor little guy. :( Later he redeemed himself buy patrolling the yard with Joey after the storm had passed. The training for my new job starts this Tuesday it is for the US census. I am really excited to see how we will be taking the census. I think I have figured out how to work the most at each job but things might change if the census tells me other wise. We'll just wait and see. Joey and I have found a few places we want to visit this summer, hiking in Blue Rock  state park, the Columbus zoo and botanical gardens,  camping, horse back riding, and if we can afford it rock climbing an

My life today

Today my life is pretty good. Besides the fact that I had to wake up early to get to Newark on time today was a good day. The early part of the day was tiring I shot one baby she really cute, she had just learned to stand so she was still wobbly. The afternoon was a little different I had another baby who had just learned about standing, she wasn't very good at it but she tried hard. My last appointment for the day was an eight week old boy and he was just adorable, the parents were a lot of fun too. They were there for two and a half hours taking pictures and picking them out. He did very well for being 8 weeks old. After work I took my new favorite route home on the way I stopped and picked up our dinner (pizza from Domino's) it was tasty.  While eating dinner we watched The Big Bang Theory, we have really come to like this show a lot. Since Joey is sleeping on the couch I think we will be going up to bed. So I hope everyone has a good night and sleeps well.