The times they are a changing.

So many things have changed since I have been on. I have finally received my diploma, so now I can become a substitute teacher in Ohio. Also, I have been doing the census and it is about to end, while I have enjoyed it very much and would live to continue doing similar work I do sometimes live in the real world and my job is working at PictureMe Portrait studios. Which I also enjoy very much and will soon be getting a studio of my own, that's right I will be a manager of my own studio. I have thought about this for a very long time and have decided to put the STNA on hold for now and be a manager if it doesn't work out then I have my other options.
I am not sure on the pay but I will make it worth my while! The range is $9-$13 an hour.
Like I said before if things don't work out I am not to worried I have a back up plan.

Joey has started a new job as well, he really enjoys it there is a lot less stress than his last few jobs. His school is going good his semester is about to end and he is really happy because these classes are not his favorite. He is enjoying them just not his favorite.

We had a BBQ on Joeys birthday and it was a lot of fun my boss from the census came with her boyfriend and my cousin Amanda with her boyfriend. nothing to exciting happened it was just nice to have some company over for a change.

We are trying to plan a trip to Florida for some time this fall so we can see Chris, Amy, Joe and Michelle. I want to plan stuff to do so were not board while were there. So what were looking into is if were going to fly down or take the train just for the experience.if we ply maybe we'll go to NY or Chicago on the train either of those would not be quite as long.

Well that's about all for now check back in a few weeks and see what else has changed.


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