
Showing posts from May, 2010

The times they are a changing.

So many things have changed since I have been on. I have finally received my diploma, so now I can become a substitute teacher in Ohio. Also, I have been doing the census and it is about to end, while I have enjoyed it very much and would live to continue doing similar work I do sometimes live in the real world and my job is working at PictureMe Portrait studios. Which I also enjoy very much and will soon be getting a studio of my own, that's right I will be a manager of my own studio. I have thought about this for a very long time and have decided to put the STNA on hold for now and be a manager if it doesn't work out then I have my other options. I am not sure on the pay but I will make it worth my while! The range is $9-$13 an hour. Like I said before if things don't work out I am not to worried I have a back up plan. Joey has started a new job as well, he really enjoys it there is a lot less stress than his last few jobs. His school is going good his semester is about